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- Show you are a real business

let us build a stunning seo website for you


There are many important reasons to have a website for your business!

First of all, it gives credibility to your business. If you don’t have a website, it tells consumers that you either can’t afford a website or you are not smart enough to realize that you need a website. In the eyes of consumers, if they think that you can’t afford a website, it can indicate that your business is not very successful, which they can interpret to mean that you do not provide quality products or services. 

Also, how will consumers find your business if you don’t have a website? If you have a physical location, they may see a sign overtop of your store as they go by. But, if you don’t have a physical location, you need a digital location (a website) or more than one (website + social media).

Why else do you need a website? Consumers want to see visuals of what you offer and read more information about your offerings, before they decide to take action. Having a website gives almost unlimited space to add as many images, videos and text as you want to give consumers everything they need to make a decision to act.

What kind of actions do you want them to take? On your website there can be many CTAs (Call to Actions), such as book a meeting/appointment, fill out contact form, interact with chatbot, call, email, subscribe to newsletter, request a quote/estimate, or make a direct purchase.

You put have some of these CTAs on social media, print advertising and email marketing, but, if you want to have them all in one place and you want to be able to take payments directly, having a website is the best and may be the only option depending on the kind of business you have.

- in summary


















- Our Website Development Services





Just some of our team’s work..

All of the websites we create as based on owner’s needs, goals and preferences for design.

- Meet GTApreneurs' SEO Specialist

Allan Pollett, Digital Marketing Specialist, SEO Guru

CEO of Global Net Trade and SEO Specialist at GTApreneurs Inc.

Since 1998, Allan has worked as a SEO and web marketing specialist. He is known as the “SEO Guru” having written several books on reputation management, social media and SEO related topics. Over the years, he has helped over 3000 businesses get to the top of the organic search results.

As such, he is one of the best SEO Specialists in the world. GTApreneurs is proud to partner with Allan to bring our clients his knowledge and skills.

Allan’s presentation from our June 14-2023 Virtual Business Networking Event.

Get your website ranked higher on Google and other search engines and get more website visitors! 

Here's a break-down of the largest components of a website.

1.DOMAIN NAME. For example, This is your address where people will find your website. Every website must have one. Choose one that represents your services to make it easier to find. For example, if you are a plumber and your company name is ABC Plumbing, you might want to make your domain name, or It would be even better if you added the city that you most want to target on the end. Example, or .ca. or or .ca/, so when consumers search for a plumber in Toronto, search engines may identify your website as a good one to answer the consumers’ queries.

2. HOSTING COMPANY. You’ve likely seen in movies, dark rooms with tons of computer servers in them. These are special computer storage devices designed to host thousands of websites. Since you will only use a fraction of space for your website, you would not want to invest the thousands of dollars to buy your own server, have it configured for the internet and conduct routine maintenance on it. So, instead you, like us and 99% of other companies, will pay a rental fee to a website hosting company to host your website. These hosting plans are typically available for purchase on a monthly, annual or multi-annual plan.

3. WEBSITE BUILDER. Sometimes hosting companies have their own website builders contained within them, like Squarespace, Shopify and Wix. So, you pay one fee per month for the hosting and website builder, plus you don’t have to do any maintenance to the back-end of your site, which is a real time saver.

We can build you a site on any of these platforms or we can build a custom site using WordPress (wp) as the shell and Elementor as the page builder. The benefit of having a wp site, is you can save a copy of it to your computer, external hard drive and to the cloud, such as Google Drive or OneDrive. So, if you want to stop paying for the hosting for a while, but, don’t want to lose your work or you want to switch hosting companies, you will always have a copy of your site to move or install.

With managed hosting websites, you cannot take the website with you. You will only ever be able to use it when using their platform. Thankfully, Squarespace will save your website on their platform in case you want to restart your subscription with them. The other benefit of creating a site using wp is that it is much more customizable. You can add many special features to your site that you can’t using the other managed platforms. For example, you could add a directory to your website, online courses, surveys and much more. Plus, hosting plans are much cheaper than managed website hosting, so once your website is built, your expenses will be less than if you used a managed website platform.

The downside is that wp sites have to constantly have its plug-ins updated to prevent hackers and other misfunctions and to add new functionalities to your site. You can set most of them to auto-update, but, there are a few that should be updated manually to check for errors right away and correct them if necessary. This may not be desirable for you. So, you need to consider this when deciding which platform on which to have your site built.

4. SEO. This stands for search engine optimization, which means creating a website in an optimal way such that it will rank well in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). It is the foundation of every profitable website and it something we strongly recommend you include in your website build. The SEO set-up will give you the site architecture, meaning the number of pages; page names; navigation menu; meta titles; essential keywords for headers, sub-headers, and body text; and recommendations for layout to moderate bounce rate and encourage conversions.

5. COPYWRITING. This is a unique type of writing, that is specially crafted to maximize conversions. This means it will be persuasive and encourage your website visitors to call you, email you, subscribe to your newsletter, fill out your contact form, interact with your chatbot, book a meeting, make a purchase, request a quote and more. Our copywriting services also include content writing when necessary. Before adding any writing to your website, we will ask you to fill out a detailed questionnaire so we include the information you want and that which may be more accurate than what we can find online. We will do research if we need more content to fill in the blanks though. Then all content will be edited and formatted using expert copywriting techniques.

6. UX/UI DESIGN. This stands for User Experience and User Interface design. UI means the physical appearance of your website.. colours, images, layout, etc. and UX means how your website visitors will experience your site when visiting it. For example, if your site is visually appealing and easy to find what visitors are looking for, your visitors would have a good user experience.

7. DEVELOPMENT/BUILD. This is like building a house. We take all of the SEO set-up work, copywriting, and design, and build your website one brick at a time. Linking your domain name to your site; setting up Google analytics; setting up security and SEO plug-ins; adding ecommerce functionality and products or services to your store, if required; adding pages; creating the main menu and footer menu; changing margins and padding to match the style you want and that which is ideal for a good website; adding the colours you like; adding images, text boxes, header boxes, buttons, animations, internal website links, outbound links and more depending on your specifications.

8. EMAIL. Linking your email account to your website so you can receive emails when visitors submit a contact form and users can receive auto-emails from your website.

9. ONGOING SEO WORK. Something else.. while SEO set-up is the foundation of a profitable website in that it will tell search engines what your website is about, keep people on your website longer, etc. it is only the beginning of having your website rank well in SERPs. You also need to do ongoing work to have it outrank your competitors.

- Expertise and time intensive

This is why we offer these services..

As you can see, creating a beautiful, profitable website takes a lot of expertise and time, which is why there is a significant investment required to have a professional website company build an appealing and profitable website for you. You don’t have to have us do everything for you though. If you are knowledgeable and skilled at one of more of the above tasks, you can do that and we will work on the components that you are not experienced with.

Below are some frequently asked questions about our website services.

A keyword can be one word or a series of words, and it refers to the words that consumers type into search engines to find what they are looking for.

Think about the last time you searched for something online… What words did you type in the search bar?

Did you do a direct search, like, “restaurants in Toronto,” or did you search by asking a question, like, “what is the best restaurant in Toronto?”

Direct phrases and questions are the two typical ways people craft the words they enter into search engines.

To get more visitors to your website, our SEO Specialist will conduct detailed research to determine the most commonly searched for keywords for the type of products and/or services you offer. Then, he will optimize the content on your website by utilizing these words on the front-end, UI and in the back-end (meta data).

When factoring in the 4 main components of a website…

  1. UX/UI Design
  2. Website Development 
  3. SEO
  4. Copywriting

It may take 100 -200 hours to create a good one.

Do you have the skills or the time to learn all of the skills required to build a website and do you have 100-200 hours to build it?

If not, then you need to hire a professional team to build it for you.

We have 5 people on our website team, a Project Manager, UX/UI Designer, a Developer, an SEO Specialist and a Copywriter that can build you an outstanding, money making website.

Book a free consultation below.

Website costs can vary greatly depending on the number of webpages; the amount of written, visual and audible content required; the level of design desired and the degree of functionality of a website.

For example, a website with 20 pages will cost more than a website with 10 pages.

Our SEO pricing depends on the number of pages in a website, the geographical areas targeted and the level of industry competitiveness of website owner.

So, it will cost more to have a 20 page website ranked well than it would for a 10 page website; as it takes time to separately optimize each page.

It will also cost more to have a website ranked well in large metropolitan centres like regions like Toronto, Vancouver, New York, Los Angeles than it would in small cities, medium sized cities and towns.

The reason for the latter is because there are way more businesses operating and competing for rankings in the large cities than there are in smaller regions.

SEM stands for search engine marketing and it refers to paying search engines to place ads on their platforms.

There is a place for both types of advertising strategies.

SEO is a long-term strategy that focusses on getting websites ranked well in the organic search results, meaning the non-ads section of SERPs (Search engine results pages). Ranking well organically gives websites a lot of credibility as consumers know that it is not easy to rank well in this section of SERPs, and it can keep websites ranking well for longer after ongoing SEO work is done, than with paid ads which will stop immediately, once payments are no longer made.

Paid ads are good in some situations though. While waiting for your website to get ranked well, you could invest in some paid ads to get some traffic to your website in the meantime.

Keep in mind that just paying for ads is not enough. The ads have to be prepared and targeted optimally and you have to spend more money than all of the other businesses that are paying for ads, otherwise your ad could end up at the bottom of SERPs.

We recommend having a professional help you with creating and targeting the ads to get maximum benefit from your investment.

Yes, our SEO Specialist has over 20 years of experience getting websites ranked on the first page of Google.

We actually have 100% success rate at getting websites ranked in the top 5 of SERPs, and a 98% success rate of getting websites ranked in the top 3.

There are some things you can do to bump up your rankings as well, which would compliment the work we do.

We can typically get websites ranked on page 1 within 4-6 months for competitive keywords and much sooner for less competitive keywords.

Not necessarily.

Google is still highest used search engine in the world, so it’s the most important, but, if your website isn’t ranking well on other search engines, you could be missing out on valuable customers.

When we do SEO, we take a global approach which will boost your rankings on all platforms, although they still might not be in the exact same position on every search engine at the same time.

SERPs stands for search engine results pages.

You have seen likely seen thousands of these in your lifetime, and probably a few every day.

Everytime you search for something on Google or other SE, these search engines will populate many pages with lists of websites on each page.

These lists are the results of your search requests, that is why the pages are called, “Search Engine Results Pages.”

A backlink is formed when your website URL is added to another published website and the URL is hyperlinked.

For example, if you create a post on Facebook and you add your website to the post, you have created a backlink to your website, as Facebook automatically hyperlinks URLs. On some websites, URLs are not automatically hyperlinked and it has to be done manually by the website developer.

Think of a backlink like a backdoor, and consider this example.

You want to go to ABC restaurant and you type in their address into your maps app so you can find it. Their physical address is like your website URL (a.k.a. website address). You walk through the front door and have a seat.

This is the same as if you send a prospect an email and ask them to visit your website and you give him/her your website URL. The prospect will find your website directly through the link you gave him/her.

Now you get up and walk towards the back of the restaurant to use the washroom, and next to the washroom door, you see another door with a sign for Suzie’s Hair Salon. You had never heard of this hair salon before, so you didn’t have their address, but, you discovered it through the backdoor they have in the restaurant you visited.

If you would have known about Suzie’s Hair Salon and would have had their address, you would have found them and walked into the front door, but, you didn’t.

When your URL is on another website, SEs see the backlink as a referral from the other website to your website and depending on the domain authority of the website, it can boost your SE rankings.

Note, as competing for page one rankings never stops, you have to continually be adding backlinks to continue to receive the value from the backlinks.

Note, that some links are more valuable than other links and the value depends on several factors including a website’s domain authority.

Also, note that some backlinks can actually harm your rankings. This happens when backlinks are created on websites that SEs consider to be “spammy.” 

To avoid this, stay away from companies that say they will give you hundreds or thousands of backlinks for a very low price.

When we create backlinks, we actually take the time to create valuable content on reputable websites so SEs will see them a good quality referrals.

*Always remember, “YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.”

Not directly and not necessarily. Google and other SE ads do not reward you with better rankings because you paid them for ads, however, if your ads were created and targeted well, you may get many more visitors to your website.

The volume of visitors to your website is a very important consideration SEs make when deciding how to rank it.

SEs reason that if lots of people visit your website on a regular basis, you must have a good website.

That’s only one factor though. SEs will also track the length of time visitors stay on your site and many other factors.

If you get lots of visitors, but, they only stay for a few seconds, it can actually hurt your rankings, as SEs will reason that your website must not be very valuable if its visitors stop and go quickly.

The most important benefit of SE ads, is that if you are willing to pay enough you can rank at the very top of the SERPs, regardless of any other factor or quality of your website.

Keep in mind that paying a lot doesn’t guarantee that you will be at the very top. You are still competing with every other business who is paying for ads and wants to rank at the top.

It can get very expensive very quickly, depending on the competitiveness of your industry and geographical location to stay on the top.

If your website has been designed and the content created very well and your ads are crafted and targeted well, and you make good money for every sale, then it may be worth if for you to pay for ads, while you are waiting for your website to move up organically with SEO techniques.

Once you are ranking well and getting good traffic flow to your website, you won’t need to pay for ads anymore.

Our SEO services include a one-time set-up fee to optimize your website, then ongoing SEO backlinking to show SEs that more and more other websites are referring their visitors to yours.

If you stop paying for monthly SEO service, unless you start doing a lot of ongoing backlinking yourself and do other ongoing SEO activity, such as adding a lot of new quality content regularly, your website will gradually go down in the rankings for different keywords at different rates.

Note, when you stop, your competition will keep on competing without you.

CTA stands for Call to Action. It means you have to ask prospects to take actions that will either instantly make them your client (e.g. make a direct purchase on your website) or get them closer to becoming your client (e.g. subscribe to your newsletter, call you, email you, chat with your bot, send a message through a contact form on your website, or other).

If you don’t ask your website visitors (prospects and clients) to do anything, they won’t likely do anything. They will just come and go and you will have missed out on very important money-making opportunities.

We recommend having multiple CTAs in multiple locations across your website to convert more of your visitors into clients.

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