Is your email account sending good emails to your spam folder and spam messages to your inbox? More than likely, the answer is “Yes,” and it can be a real problem. From an overflowing inbox to important emails going to your spam folder, you can waste a lot of time and miss a lot of opportunities, by not managing your spam (aka “junk”) folder.
I recommend checking your spam folder regularly. It can be very frustrating as it takes time and it’s supposed to work by automation, but, unfortunately, AI (Artifical Intelligence), computer software and other web-based applications are not perfect.
First of all, whenever you get emails in your email that you don’t want, check to see if their is an “Unsubscribe” or “Update email preferences,” link at the bottom. If there is, then click it and follow the steps provided by the sender’s email service. This will hopefully prevent you from getting anymore emails from their email-marketing software.
If you don’t see a place to click to unsubscribe, you can simply reply to their email asking them to remove you from their mailing list. If you still keep getting emails you don’t want, then mark them as “junk,” “spam,” “phishing” or other security term, to try and keep them out of your inbox.
When you check your spam folder, you will see a lot of email-marketing as well. Start by unsubscribing to all of the ones you don’t want, and delete them.
If you see an email that should have went to your inbox, click on the link that says something like, “It’s not junk/spam.” You can also add the email address that send the good email to your spam folder to your Safe Senders list. This is also called, “whitelisting” an email address.
If you don’t want to spend time doing this, consider hiring a Virtual Assistant or email managment service to help you.
You can also consider not listing your email address on your website or social media platforms. There are many ways that people can contact you by digitally – LinkedIn message, Facebook message, Instagram, Twitter and others. So instead of providing others with your email address, you could provide them with a link to one of these profiles where they can send you a message. You can also include the links to your social media profiles on your website and add contact forms, which people have to manually fill out to send you a message.
Since email-marketing can only be send to email addresses, if others don’t have your email address, you can’t receive email-marketing.

Author: Tammy Defoe
Tammy Defoe is the Founder and President of GTApreneurs Inc. She is a Business Coach, Sales Trainer and Public Speaking Instructor. She is very skilled and experienced at helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses.